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Fishing for Support
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AP Food Pantry is a 501c3 nonprofit organization.
Missy Martin, President, E.D.
Get the kids involved!
Here at Anchor Point Food Pantry, we’re committed to investing our knowledge and resources in order to assist the hungry in our area. Since 2006, we’ve been supporting our community members in a variety of ways and measuring our success not in a monetary way, but by more qualitative measurements such as the scale and effectiveness of our efforts. Making opportunities for the youth to experience helping those in need, for one.
What we can achieve together?!
Picture~ Scouts making soup for the food pantry clients.
Our Story
How the pantry here got started
It all began in 2006 because of the compassion of one woman and the empathy of one man - Donna and Allen Dennis. "I asked Allen if he ever minded when I worked a full shift and then bought and delivered food to families I knew were lacking food at home. He was so emphatic when he answered no and said I reminded him of those people that would bring food to him and his younger sibling when his mom was out. He said if it wasn't for all of those people, they would have gotten sick or died. I was astonished that any child would have to figure out how to make that gnawing pain of hunger go away and even more shocked to find out
it was lint that quieted his stomach."